sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2016


To bear and to live,
My life is dreaming
Which it ends in the eyes
Of my growing aware.

The bow that lighted
My eyes, the cupid brought
His own bows (or bestowed?)
Had hit my fragile heart...

My visions, black and white,
After the ending of childhood,
Had recovered their colors
But their were eclipsed
By a narcissist misunderstood.

What am I feeling is love?
Some much braveness
So much caring with another
How I see to you as myself...

And the body is ready
To give itself to her...
“Sorry, but I can't help you...
I can't reply your heart...”

From my eyes and ears,
To those bows turned to spears,
In the affair, instead of sweet,
Gave me a bitter bleed..
How could it be?...

It does not matter now...
To bear and to live,
My life is reality
Which it starts in these eyes
Of my growing and painful aware...

Just to tell me:
“The love and life
Have just began,
You can be sure”.

(Leandro Monteiro)

quarta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2016


Schreiben und wiederholen...
Sein ein Neurotiker Mann
Über Realität diesen Leben..
Alles sieht Das sehr echte an
Und wir glauben Das unseren
Wahrheite (tãglich, wir nicht holen)....

Mein Gedicht ein Replay an,
Wie Ich fahre mein Leben
Mit einer Sansara's Rad
Im meinen Kopf aus, ja?
Schreiben und sagen...
Zu finden anderen Weg.

(Leandro Monteiro)

quinta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2016


Si qu'il aut eté autres temps,
Du Brésil une guerre
Entre France et Angleterre,
De une ignorance, aura eu...
Non suffit en êntre un traître
De notre grande nation,
Le Chefer suprême se sent
Comme un Charle Magne,
Que envahit la Table Ronde
Et lutte avec et contre par Cent Ans...

Est por lamenter
Fatidique destin
Est pour Craindre,
Oui par Temer.

(Leandro Monteiro)

sábado, 17 de setembro de 2016


En homenaje a Zigmunt Bauman

Uno grado de arena,
Preciso para alojar;
Uno grado de sal,
Necesito para comer...

Pero, más que un cuerpo,
Mi vida quiere saciar
A mi alma que, algo más,
Pide por: un amor.

Uno grado de arena,
Mi cuerpo a desintegrarse
Al largo de los tiempos...

Uno grado de sal,
Mi alma a comprar (o vender)
De alguien mis proprios deseos?

Mientras busco la respuesta,
Mis ganas siguen a la corriente...

De crónicas constantes olas
Y no más vuelven o se repiten.

(Leandro Monteiro)


Confessar em versos
É morar a dois
Dentro de si mesmo:
É rir, chorar, brigar,
Lutar, questionar,
Vivendo o que somos:
Só seres humanos,
Na carne e nos sonhos.

(Leandro Monteiro)