segunda-feira, 28 de junho de 2021


Coming from a distant land,
I`m showing you shortcuts
Of a track you must take
I cannot accept you’re doing
The same mistake I have done…
So much extracting as polluting..

You need to just healthy
More than me be wealthy…
Yet, you need to cease poverty
And we are going to give you
A mount of money loan surely…
You must pay later… must you do!

It is so funny my friend
You talk in this kind speech
To me… So glad I am feeling
In receiving so careful regard!
You are so very benevolent,
Giving us so interesting dimes!

You say are you are helping…
But saying what my kids
And present ourselves as chouse
Shall do in my own house,
Hiding your own malice,
What you have doing been…

So much support on freedom…
But for whom, my dear friend?
When I see so much naked skin
Through on nets and on the streets,
So much demands and few listening…
So much us and them, instead of we?

I understand all your words.
But here is land, so my codes…
We shall  pave new tracks
Through our virgin forests…
Here, we are and must be, comrades,
The new world of and by ourselves!

(Just we by we can be free,
No one care with us truly
Like our mothers had been…
We are our own family
Since all the mankind gathered
In this summit of power and loose!)

(Leandro Monteiro)

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