sexta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2021


When the day comes
And I go outside my home,
I live my country’s voice
On the streets of the towns,
Cities and Capitals'….

But, wait a minute, folks,
The radios show some voices
Are invading the airing…
And, along some nationals say
That they are in our side…
They complains the dollar raised up!

However, I think: where do I live?
And how do much I earn?
Surely, I’m not a Dollar man.
Undoubtful, I`m a such Real!
Yet, why they said that? Why?

If I live in Brazil,
Why do I speak English
Inside my own place?
I think they are eating
The sweet – without home….

(And I know I won’t take
The piece of this cake.)

(Leandro Monteiro)

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