quinta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2012



On the road
He rode
His route

In the rocks
He wrote
His words

A wolfs’
Old notes

A low
Last howl
He blows…

There was
No love
Was none

In the bottom
Of his lone
Life of wolf

Was not it?
Or there was
Its hidden?

Leandro Monteiro


I’m always here,
Where people don’t see:
An improbable place that
Is hidden from love and hate.

I can be many things
If you so much want
And if you wonder
I can do everything.

I’m always here:
In your deep heart,
In your dark mind,
I’ll always here.

I’m in your dreams
And your nightmares
Inside your feelings
That’s who I’m:

Your Unconscious.

Leandro Monteiro


I didn’t read, but I've read;
I didn’t see, but I’ve seen;
I didn’t hear, but I've heard;
Everything has gone,
Nothing has remained.
However, even so,
I still believe you
Never having doubt
About your speeches
So much poetic, a pretty
Charm when I listen….
So sorry to me not
Understand them
All of what you say,
Just a bit of what you say.
(Yes, I’m ignorant).
(I won’t lie to you).
You are better than me:
A wiser man before me
Who is a foolish person
Whose reading is difficult
To comprehend without
A help of someone cult
For saying me that is
This is that, always.
That is what I believe
To be the Lord’s word
Even if I don’t understand,
They’re going let me
Very contented
To believe in them. 

Leandro Monteiro


And the wine had become blood,
And the blood had become body,
And the body had become tree,
And the tree had become digits,
Those that is power
Of all, over all
Above what is or not a being.

Leandro Monteiro


In an unlikely place,
You can see the Heaven
Where it doesn’t here.

You fed up with this,
Decided to forsake
All this past present
And to go away to
Another uncertainly life
(And suffer the same things).
With all hopes in your mind,
More than Earth can be...
An eternal utopical seeker
(Of a disillusioned country)

For a country where,
Certainly, it shall not be here.
(Where will you find it out?)

Leandro Monteiro


To Adele

Meanwhile you sing your heartbreaks

I write within us the world’s negligence
Without any consideration you give
Always to us who always listens you.

I sing too to you a large deepest truth:
My love is nothing to someone if
She doesn’t see me as Brad Pitt
Or have some money to receive from me.

I sing in my away the world where
You write and does your chant so care:
Where your song is listened to 90th percent
Of people who hides a mask of fake. 

Leandro Monteiro

This poem is from "Acrósticos e(m) Concretos" but as it's written in English I resolved to put it in this section:


                                 I’m falling,
                       I’m falling, I’m falling,
                       I’m falling, I’m falling,
               I’m falling, I’m falling, I’m falling,
               I’m falling, I’m falling, I’m falling,
               I’m falling, I’m falling, I’m falling,
               I’m falling, I’m falling, I’m falling, 
               I’m falling down on the deep well:
        I’m falling, I’m falling, I’m falling, I’m falling,
        I’m falling, I’m falling, I’m falling, I’m falling,
        I’m falling, I’m falling, I’m falling, I’m falling,
        I’m falling, I’m falling, I’m falling, I’m falling,
        I’m falling, I’m falling, I’m falling, I’m falling,
        I’m falling, I’m falling, I’m falling, I’m falling,
        I’m falling, I’m falling, I’m falling, I’m falling,
        I’m falling, I’m falling, I’m falling, I’m falling,
      I’m falling down on a well that never has end.

Leandro Monteiro

This poem is an english version from original (in portuguese) ROSA MÍSTICA:


The mystic Rose 
Is rose Rose,
An indigo Rose,
Almighty Rose.

The mystic Rose
Is so Generous,
And Beautiful,
And loving Rose.

It’s my rose,
Very courageous,
It’s my heroin
That rounds me.

It rounds my soul
Every day and time
From another rose
With a lot of spine

A dark rose,
All my hurts
Hurts that tears
My deep pink:

My rose,
Rose Rose.

Leandro Monteiro

This is an English version from a Portuguese poem called "O Fruto Permitido":


“And it had happened; I saw a tree which fruits
Was desirable for getting a person to a happy person”
                                  1ST Nephy’s Book, 2nd Vers.
                                           MORMON’S BOOKS

I did not eat the Eden’s fruit,
But I ate a Desert’ Tree
As Lei and his family,
They just get God’s feelings.

The fruits which I’ve eaten
Were not the Human’s Knowledge
That He gave to us:
The Good and The Bad;
The Reality and The Truth…

The fruits which I’ve eaten
Were just the humbleness
Of my God who brings me
The Beauty and The Dreams.
The Hope and The Happiness…
All those things are in my life.

Leandro Monteiro


Your eyes are like
the sunshine
that is hotting
Every being.

Your mouth is like
A sing of bird
In each word
That you say.

Your arms are like
The water
That is light
For touching and washing.

Your legs are like
That was drown
By artist of love.

This is poem for you,

A melodic and love poem.
This is my poem for you, Love.
A poem for my love's godness.

Leandro Monteiro

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